
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Brave New World Ideas

1. Bernard tells John to explain his whole life story because he is having a hard time grappling with the idea of the Reservation.
2. It seems as if Linda sleeps with men, who forcefully only want to have sex with her. The people of the Reservation are angry especially the women because she is sleeping with all their men. John tries stopping the women from whipping his mother but when he actually tries he gets whipped too.
3. Popé brings mescal which is a type of tequila.
4. John really hates Popé because of what he thinks of his and Linda’s relationship. So through the years John hates Popé more and more. John goes to kill Popé but only stabs him like 2 times. Popé reacts oddly, calling him ‘brave’ and let’s him go.
5. One Shakespeare allusion is to “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare”. The other is to Skaespeare’s book “Hamlet”, which is only a passage from the book. Macbeth is also mentioned.
6. John felt alone because his mother was never really there to be his mother. When men would come over she would put him away because she just wanted to be with the men. also, unlike other children around him, he could read.
7. John knew that Jesus hung on a cross with his arms out and he wanted to feel that hanging in the sun.
8. Bernard tells John if he wants to go to London.
9. John reacts in a happy manner when he asks Bernard if him and Lenina are married.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

BNW Ch. 8 Notes

Bernard is having a really hard time dealing with the reservation
John tells his story about when he was younger; he was locked away forcefully by a man who then proceeded to sleep with his mother
Popé is always over and brings tequila and sleeps with his mom
Meaning Linda sleeps with a lot of men
John really hates Popé and tries to kill him eventually but when he tried to he is with his mom
Bernard doesn’t feel for John but he is disgusted of Johns wound
(To be continued )

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Reading Me

While I'm not in school the amount of time I spend reading is slowly diminishing. When I was in elementary school, I didn't spend one moment without a book. But then high school happened and I slowly began losing interest. I then started noticing these poetry book becoming so popular. I was so interested I decided to pick one up at the store called "Milk and Honey". I loved it so much, I loved the poetry. Poetry book are the only books I will spend my time reading. Especially, if the poems are inspired from true experiences. 
These types of stories have inspired to start writing my own poetry from my own experiences. And that one day my truthful poetry can help inspire other people to share their own stories in hope of continuing that inspiration. 

Brave New World Ch. 7 Notes

There's poverty and lack of modern things in Reservation.
The World State keeps people looking fit and young until they die.
Lenina is at an Indian dance and is alarmed when a young man comes out really whipped and then falls.
Bernard and Lenina encounter an Indian and he seems startled because he has never seen a white women before.
That man says his mother was from the Other Place a place outside of Reservation, but got separated from his father, which Bernard realizes that the Director is the man's dad.

Brave New World Ch. 6 Notes

Lenina thinks Bernard is very strange. Bernard is more reserved and introvert rather than going out and playing Electro-magnetic golf.
Lenina uses her conditioning and hypnopaedic sayings to not know what Bernard what saying because she is conditioned to do so.
Bernard wishes that Lenina and him wouldn't have done it on their first date. Lenina didn't understand Bernard's point of view because she didn't want the same emotional connection.
We learn that the Director is a bit of a hypocrite. He threatens to get Bernard in trouble.
Bernard realizes that the Director is planning to transfer him.
He begins to worry, but Lenina offers him Soma and he takes it making his worries go away.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Brave New World Ch. 5 Notes

Lenina and Henry are on their date to the golf course, and while eating they add Soma(drug) to their coffee. Soma keeps them happy.
Bernard goes to Solidarity Service. He sits next to Morgana but it seems as if he wishes he was sitting next to Fifi and Joana who are better looking people. The people seem happy with themselves unlike Bernard.
There's a meeting taking place and everyone consumes taking Soma and then they begin chanting. 
Bernard feels so alone. He is feeling left out and self-conscious.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Brave New World Ch. 4

Lenina and Bernard talk about a planned trip to Nee Mexico
Bernard tries to express his feelings to her, but she’s late to a date with Henry.
During the date, they go on a helicopter ride and the city looks futuristic
Bernard begins to feel as if he doesn't belong because of his small size he believes he's inferior

Brave New World Ch. 3

The director takes them to a garden where there are naked children playing.
Centrifugal bumble-puppy
Sexual play is normale which it used to be abnormal
Bernard marx- karl marx
Life before the world state was tight control over reproduction
Instability caused by strong emotions led to war, diseases and social unrest that led to violence and death

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Brave New World Ch. 2 Notes

There is loud noises and electric shocks are used to condition the Delta group. They are taught to hate flowers and books.
Hypnopaedia- sleep teaching
Sign of Model-T across the chest
praise Ford as their "god"
Alpha students are being taught to work harder than the others
Betas are being smarter than the Gammas, Deltas, and Espilons
"the greatest moralizing and socializing force of all time

Monday, March 4, 2019

Brave New World- Chapter 1 Notes

Setting: London
People are being conditioned or taught in a small, compared to the rest of the buildings, grey building “ Community, identity, stability”
The director is giving some sort of tour to students of Hatcheries and Conditioning. He started with the fertilizing room.
Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, Epsilons
96 human beings being made when only can
Henry Foster and the directornexplain fertilization
The last day the embryos are decanted, so this whole process basically just mimics the womb
The fetuses undergo different treatments and experiments to be able to do different things.
 They are basically creating clones
Powerful use of technology

Learning to Embrace Learning

            Around the age of 4 and 5 we establish a routine of waking up early, every weekday for around 180 days of the year, and goin...