
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Gatsby Test Chapters 1-4

Chapter 1
1. What does Nick say about himself in the beginning of the book?
2. How does Nick know Tom and Daisy and what does he experience when he’s with them?

Chapter 2
3. What did Tom do to Myrtle and what does that say about his character?
4. In chapter 1, Nick finds out about Tom’s mistress. How does he encounter with her?

Chapter 3
5. How did the other people at the party react when Nick asked them where Gatsby was?
6. What are some of the things that Nick heard about Gatsby in this chapter?

Chapter 4
7. Why does Nick question some of the things Gatsby is telling him about himself on their ride to New York?
8. What do we learn about Mr. Wolfshiem?


  1. Chapter 1
    • At the beginning of the book Nick says that he is the only honest person
    • Nick knows Daisy because they are cousins and he meet Tom when they were both in college. What he experience when his with them is that they are both rich and are sort of racist.

    Chapter 2
    • Tom breaks Myrtle's nose. Tom is a arrogant person.
    • Tom invited Nick to a trip to New York to talk about his mistress.

    Chapter 3
    • when Nick asked for Gastby the people in the party did not know who was Gatsby they dont know his wealth and personal history.
    • One rumor that Nick heard was that Gatsby killed a person and that he is a German spy.

    Chapter 4
    • Nick question some of the things that Gatsby is saying because he does not know if Gastby is telling the truth.
    • Mr. Wolfshiem is a jew. Gatsby calls him a gambler and tells Nick that he fixed the 1919 world series.

    1. 7/8. The second one in chapter 2 I was looking for the answer explaining when Nick saw his mistress for the first time.


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